• 2024/2025 Confirmation Class

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  • Stewardship…a way of Life!

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Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle Parish Father Michael J. Kavanaugh

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish and School, part of the Catholic Diocese of Savannah, are located on Wilmington Island on the east side of the City of Savannah, Georgia’s colonial capital. We are a Stewardship parish, living out God’s call to share the gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure. Our discipleship is based on the 4 pillars of Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service.

Many of our 800 parish families have made commitments to Stewardship in our parish, and show their dedication through participating in the various activities and ministries offered by our parish and school.  Many have also made financial commitments to the parish, understanding that whatever gifts we have received, we make the best use of them when we put them at the service of others.  In this, we have committed to live our faith and show our gratitude to God.

I thank you for visiting our website. If I, or any one of our staff, can be of assistance to you, please feel free to call us or send an email. Please use our website to find out more about our school and the many parish ministries we offer. If you are church “searching,” we would be happy to welcome you to become a part of St. Peter the Apostle Parish, a vibrant faith-filled community.

Peace and Blessings,



SAFE ENVIRONMENT COMPLIANCE TRAINING is required for all volunteers and employees in the Diocese of Savannah 18 year and older.  Safe Environment Compliance classes may be found on the Diocesan website at https://diosav.org/offices/child-and-youth-protection.

Please consider “Joining our Flock” and “Liking” us on Facebook!! Simply click the sheep below to join our email communication list, or find us on Facebook below.  If you would like to join our parish, please click on the “About” tab at the top of the page, then “Join our Parish”. All are welcome!





TOGETHER we are “Continuing the Vision” as we continue to grow at St. Peter the Apostle.  We are proud that we are a FORMED Parish!   It is easy to access free books, movies, audios and more.  Just go to formed.org, click on SIGN UP button, click I BELONG TO A PARISH, and find our parish by zipcode.  After you click on OUR PARISH you will be asked to enter your email.  Enter it and you are signed up!  There is also an app for your phone and you can download it for free.  Please enjoy this service provided to you free of charge by St. Peter the Apostle Parish.
