Parish Council
The Parish Council’s responsibility is to maintain the integrity of the parish mission and related parish goals through ongoing pastoral planning under the direction of the pastor. The Council is made up of elected and appointed representatives from the parish. The Parish Council meets monthly usually on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Contact: Phil Paradise
Members: President- Phil Paradise
President Elect – TBA
Secretary -Paula Hubert
Stewardship – Jim Nowak
Youth Ministry – Paula Hubert
Finance – TBA
Parish Life – Lori Hrabie
Worship – Ryan Rudolph, Sebastian Verdis
Education – Paula Hubert
Parish Plant – Bob Scanlon
Elected by Parishioners – Veva Shuman, Tim Fogarty, Garlana Mathews, Adam VanBrimmer, Jim Nowak
Parish Finance Committee
This committee is a “consultative body, advisory to the pastor in his role as administrator of the temporal goods of the parish.” Members are selected for their “expertise in financial matters, banking, accounting, and other business skills.” The Parish Finance Committee meets every other month.