Worship Committee
The responsibility of the worship committee is to provide for the spiritual life of our parish. This ministry sets policy and direction for all parish liturgical celebrations in our parish. Membership is made up of representatives from all parish organizations and at least one member of the parish council.
Contact: Linda Wilharm or call 912-897-5156
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are offered the opportunity of serving people in the most intimate and sacred of Catholic encounters: the sharing of the Eucharist. A request for this ministry must be made to the church office.
Contact: Stacey Tripp
Lectors are a group of men and women of all ages who have the sacred duty of proclaiming the assigned readings at Mass on Sundays and during the week. Lectors are trained and assigned by the Lector Coordinator on a rotating basis.
Link to video by Father Kavanaugh for lectors: https: https://fb.watch/okOOZ6w_KY/
Contact: Bob Gephart
Mass Setup Teams
These people serve as sacristans for a particular Mass each weekend. Their ministry is to prepare the altar and make sure that all is prepared for each Mass. Some serve on a rotation with others assigned to a particular Mass; others serve every week.
Contact: Linda Wilharm or call 912-897-5156
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are respectful and reverent assistants that take honor in serving the Lord at Mass. Boys and girls, 4th through 8th grades in our school and Religious Education program, are eligible to serve after attending the required training sessions. Possible liturgies to serve as an Altar Server are weekly Masses, weddings, funerals, and school liturgies.
Parishioners fulfill the role of usher at each of the weekend Masses. This ministry will be expanded to include greeting the people as they arrive for Mass, seating people when necessary, taking the collection and orchestrating the communion processions. They are ready to assist in case of emergencies and answer questions for visitors or newcomers. They provide a wonderful service to the parish.
Contact: Parish Office 912-897-5156
Gift Bearers
Individuals or families bring the offertory gifts to the altar during Mass. Please notify an usher prior to Mass that you wish to bear the gifts.
Parish Visitation Team
These ministers fulfill an important need for our church by taking Communion and sharing the Word of God weekly or monthly to those in need. A request for this ministry must be made to the church office.
Contact: Linda Wilharm or call 912-897-5156
Parish Offertory Volunteers
These ministers are responsible for securing the stewardship gifts of “Treasure” offered during Mass. A request for this ministry must be made to the church office.
Contact: Linda Wilharm or call 912-897-5156