2024 Confirmation will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 6pm.
Please see the information here regarding a Sponsor, BootCamp Dates, and service hours. We are so excited to take this journey with your family and want this to be a memorable occasion for your child.
BootCamp Dates: Mandatory BootCamp is five Sunday evening sessions (5:00-7:00 PM) where enthusiastic leaders will meet with the Confirmation Candidates in small groups with the objective of renewing their knowledge and igniting their excitement for Confirmation! Candidates will be served a meal, have small group discussions, and play games. Tentative dates: Sunday, August 11, Sunday, August 18, Sunday, August 25, and Sunday, September 8th, Sunday, September 15th. More information to follow.
Service Hour Opportunities: Students will need a total of twenty service hours. All volunteering should be for a non-profit organization. Contact Paula Hubert @ 912-897-5156 or phubert@spacsav.net Another chance to volunteer is to provide a meal/deliver for Family Promise-we will host this organization July 14-27 (Paula Hubert can provide info).
Sponsor Info: The following directives are provided from Bishop Parkes for guidance in selecting a Sponsor:
* The Sponsor must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church who is active (registered), in good standing, and fully participating in the life of the Church.
*At the discretion of the Bishop, Sponsors must have completed their fourteenth year of age.
* Parents should not act as Sponsors, and grandparents are highly discouraged from doing so.
* It is important the Sponsor be present at the Rite of Confirmation, but if it is not possible, a proxy may stand in for the Sponsor. Parents and grandparents may serve as proxies.
* Sponsors should, if possible, be chosen at an early stage in the preparation for the sacrament and be invited to participate in the program of preparation.
There will be more information to follow, and we are so excited about this upcoming journey towards Confirmation. Please watch the bulletin for more Confirmation information.
Paula Hubert
Spirit of God, grant me: The gift of wisdom To see the world through your eyes, The gift of counsel To make difficult decisions, The gifts of knowledge and understanding to use my mind to know you and to love you, The gift of fortitude To have the courage to live in the faith Despite the difficulties and disappointments, The gift of piety To be able to express my special love And commitment to you, And the right kind of awesome fear that makes me pause to wonder and revere God’s Love. Amen.