Forever Young

St. Peter the Apostle Parish Center

Join us for a St. Patrick's Day celebration.  Advance ticket sales only ($10 NO walk-ins please) Door prizes, singing and fun! Wear green of course!

Event Series Sunday School 4-6 year olds

Sunday School 4-6 year olds

St. Peter the Apostle Youth Center 7020 Concord Rd., Savannah, GA, United States

Sunday School is held during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The children come to Mass with the family and then before the readings they receive a blessing from the celebrant and...

Rite of Election

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

The Rite of Election is a significant step for those who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and...