Events Calendar


Week 10:  Liturgical Celebrations


  1. What are the two main parts of the mass? What takes place during each part?


The Liturgy of the Word: Readings of the Bible, homily, Profession of Faith and Prayers of the faithful.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist: Presentation of the Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer, and Communion Rite.

Fun fact: The picture above is an icon, A Catholic icon is a representation of the image of such holy figures as the saints, Mary, Jesus and other religious figures, in the form of a painting. An interesting aspect of Catholic icons is that almost everything on the icon has some sort of symbolic meaning. From the colors used to paint the Catholic icon to the way the subject is portrayed on the icon. For example certain iconic figures always have halos, such as Mary or Jesus, while angels are always depicted with wings in Catholic icons. Many Catholic icons are painted in the traditional Byzantine manner, with egg, tempera, gold on canvas and on old wood.

  • When is it appropriate to genuflect? Why?
  • Candle

Answer: A bending of the knee as a sign of adoration and reverence; it is a Catholic practice to genuflect when entering a church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or when passing before the Blessed Sacrament.

Dig deeper:

How do we know the Blessed Sacrament is present? Look for the candle!

  • What is meant by the “Liturgical Year” and what colors are worn during each season?


Answer: Liturgical year is the cycle of seasons and great feasts that make up the Church year of worship. The Liturgical Year begins on the first Sunday of Advent and ends on the Feast of Christ the King.

The main seasons of the church year are Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter Triduum, Easter and ordinary time.

Purple/violet-Advent and Lent

Red-Pentecost and Feasts of Apostles and Martyrs

Rose-Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent) and on Gaudate Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent)

Green- Sundays in Ordinary time

White-Sundays in Easter Tide, Solemnities of Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Funeral Masses

Black-Sometimes used for Requiem Masses, All Soul’s Day.

YOUCAT 186: The liturgical year, or the church year, superimposes the mysteries of the Life of Christ-from his Incarnation to his second coming in glory-on te normal course of the year.



  1. What is the Paschal Candle?



Answer: Large white candle blessed at Easter, used throughout Paschal (Easter) season, sacramental celebrations and funeral masses. It stands as a symbol of Christ rising from the dead.

  1. What are the holy days of obligation in the United States? When is each celebrated?


Answer: Christmas (December 25)

The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God (January 1)

Feast of the Ascension (fortieth day after Easter, Ascension Thursday or the following Sunday in some Dioceses)

Assumption of Mary (August 15)

All Saints (November 1)

Immaculate Conception (December 8)


  1. State what each of the following special days commemorates.

Ash Wednesday:____________________________________________

Holy Thursday: _____________________________________________

Good Friday: _______________________________________________

Holy Saturday______________________________________________



Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe_________________________________


Feast of Christ the King _______________________________________



Ash Wednesday: beginning of Lent, marked by crosses on the forehead, day of fasting and (abstinence) fasting and abstinence

Holy Thursday: the day Christ celebrated the last supper.


Good Friday: Jesus death on the cross; day of fasting and abstinence

Holy Saturday: last day of Lent and Easter Triduum, no mass or communion to commemorate Passion and Death of Jesus until the Easter vigil.

Easter: day of Jesus’ Resurrection

Pentecost: Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of the Americas

Feast of Christ the King: Last Sunday of the Liturgical year.

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