Events Calendar




Dancing Through the Decades A Night to Remember!

Despite havoc wrecking weather and a untimely power outage, a grand time was had by all, and we successfully raised a net profit of over $74,500 for our School.  THAT’S RIGHT!!!! A Net Profit of OVER $74,500!!!!

We would like to take a minute and say THANK YOU!!  On behalf of all of us at H&SA, we thank our parents for sharing your time, resources, and talents with the school and parish community, and THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and supporters.   A special note of appreciation goes to the individuals who contributed countless hours planning and working this event. THANK YOU for your commitment to our children, to the values of Catholic education, and the future of our school is what sustains us.

We also would like to acknowledge and express gratitude to a group of individuals who were an integral part in the planning of Dancing Through the Decades: Garlana Mathews, Cheryl Ducey, Jessica Witry, Irene Nave, Diana Fernandez, Erin Thompson, Alice Werntz and Jennifer Clanton.  Thank you for the time and effort you have invested for the future and growth of our Robotics and Computer Technology programs.

The money raised will go to the following areas: The annual tuition subsidy payment to the school budget; The robotics and computer technology programs which will enhance and expand the education of our students at St. Peter’s; and the playground work and maintenance (including drain replacements & repairs, pavers, minor electrical work).

For a Full Report, please see the letter from H&SA:  2015 HSAFundraiser Update

Again….THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible!


Christina Swenson

President H&SA

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