Parish Religious Education Program: 2nd & 3rd grades will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the youth center. They will prepare and review the Sacraments as...
Grief Support Group
St. Peter the Apostle Youth Center 7020 Concord Rd., Savannah, GA, United StatesFirst Friday
St. Peter the Apostle ChurchEveryone is invited to join us every First Friday for Holy Hour devotion. Come and spend an hour in silent prayer and reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sunday School/PREP (CCD) for 4 yrs old through 1st grade
Please attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass as a family. Your child will leave before the readings with a teacher/helper and have a 20 minute lesson, then return to Mass for...
Catholic Scripture Study
Parish Office Conference RoomWe will begin another year of Catholic Scripture Study on October 2 at 10 AM in the Parish Office conference room. This year we will use 2 short studies on...