Prayer & Action
St. Peter the Apostle Parish CenterYouth Mass
St. Peter the Apostle ChurchVacation Bible School
"Under the Sea" VBS is open to kids age 4 (who have completed 4 year old Pre-K) up to 6th grade. The cost is $40 per child and runs from...
Holy Hour
St. Peter the Apostle ChurchEveryone is invited to join us every First Friday for Holy Hour devotion. Come and spend an hour in silent prayer and reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Holy Hour
St. Peter the Apostle ChurchEveryone is invited to join us every First Friday for Holy Hour devotion. Come and spend an hour in silent prayer and reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Virtus Training Class
Parish Center room #1A VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children training is required for all volunteers and employees in the Diocese of Savannah, which includes any parent who wishes to volunteer in our school in...