Events Calendar

Knowledge of Faith Assessment (CLICK here to print Assessment)

We sometimes take for granted knowledge of our Catholic faith and assume that our children know information that is basic to us. In our first assessment, we want to familiarize ourselves with how special our parish is. Each and every member of our parish has  unique talents that attribute to the overall  community, and this includes our young people.

Pope Francis says “We are also strengthened — ‘confirmed’ — in the grace of our baptism and in our mission of bearing daily witness to Christ and his love.”

This daily witness takes place in our parishes and diocese.

Week 1: About my parish and diocese

1. The name of our parish is Saint Peter the Apostle Parish.

2. Name three significant things about the name chosen for our parish:

a. St. Peter the Apostle is named after our first Pope, Peter.

b. St. Peter the Apostle is named after the patron saint of fisherman, which holds special significance to our Island community.

c. The name Peter means rock. Our altar was built with a wall of rocks to remind us of St. Peter. Each rock on the wall helps to support it, just as each of us together makes up the church and help to support it.

Learn more about our Patron Saint

  1. My parish pastor’s name is Reverend Michael Kavanaugh

Picture1Two things I know about Fr. Kavanaugh are…

  1.  Fr. Kavanaugh was born and raised in Savannah.FrKavanaugh
  2. In 1997, Fr. Kavanaugh appeared on the game show, Jeopardy!



4. My patron Saint is __________________________

Two things I know about him/her?

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

5. When are the masses in our parish celebrated to fulfill the Sunday obligation?

Saturday 5:30 p.m.


7:30 a.m.

9:00 a.m

11:15 a.m

Daily Mass 7:30 a.m. in daily chapel

Confessions 4:30 p.m. on Saturday

(fun facts: the Knights of Columbus provide breakfast each month on the second Sunday after 9 a.m. mass. Doughnuts are served after all masses the first weekend off the month so that we can greet each other and reach out to new parishioners)

6. The Bishop of the Diocese of Savannah is Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.


Bishop Hartmayer’s Diocesan Profile

7. What are two groups/organizations in our parish? What do they do?

(these answers may include groups you or your family are involved in, such as Knights of Columbus,Lifeteen, Council of Catholic Women, parish council, Eucharistic minister, etc.)

Click here for a list of ministries.

Sign up for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration, this would be a great way to spend time as a family prior to Confirmation

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